Archive for July, 2013

Raven Queen Makes Her Not So Evil Debut
Raven Queen is so far my favorite Ever After High character and I was excited to open the doll. She doesn’t look evil at all and I think that plays into the story line perfectly. She doesn’t want to spend her eternity being mean and hated. If you like, you can buy Raven Queen from […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls – Series 6
The 6th series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls includes Ember Flicker Flame, Peppy Pom Poms, Rosy Bumps N Bruises, Berrys Blueberry Party, Suzette La Sweet, Blossoms a Busy Bee, Prairie Dusty Trails, and Toffee Cocoa Cuddles. View their pictures here.

Tylie La Dee Da Dolls
Tylie is 15 years and 5 months old and one of Dee’s closest friends. Her appearance is Anime inspired and she has some Asian heritage. She’s got an energetic bubbly personality and has limitless ideas when it comes to fashion design. Tylie specializes in jewelry making and she has so much nervous energy she likes […]

My New Apple White Ever After High Doll by Mattel
I was lucky enough to find the new Ever After High dolls in Justice the other day and on sale. Apple White is the first doll I opened and I took pictures. The box is very cool. It looks like a story book and it looks like someone wrote on the edge of the pages […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls – Series 5
The 5th series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls includes Peanuts Elephant Act, Crumbs Tea Time, Jewels Bubble Bath,Lady Writes A Poem, Spots New Masterpiece, Patch’s Treasure Hunt, and Forest Evergreen. View their pictures here.

Wave 1 Draculaura and Naked Holt Hyde Pre-Owned Dolls
I bought these from on eBay the other day – not from the same seller. I’m delighted with Draculaura but right away I regretted buying Holt. I thought I could get some clothes for him separately, not necessarily the outfit he came with, but something to make him into his typical fiery self. I should […]

LittleMissMatched Sporty Girl Doll
Here’s my Sporty Girl doll. I bought her on clearance at Toys r Us. A doll collector friend emailed me with an alert that she had seen a couple of LittleMissMatched dolls at one of the Toys r Us stores way across town. Of course I immediately packed up and dashed over. These dolls have […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls – Series 4
The 4th series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls included Marina’s Beach Day, Marinas Sea Adventure, Bea Plays in the Rain, Peppers Midnight Snack, Mittens Bundles Up, Mistys Full of Tricks, Sahara’s Desert Dream, and Pepper Cooks Up Fun. View their pictures here.

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls – Series 3
The 3rd series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls included Mittens Fluff N Stuff, Spot Paints Purple, Peanuts New Tricks, Pillows Story Time, Sir Battlescarred, Lady Stillwaiting, Ace Fender Bender, and Swirly Figure Eight. View their pictures here.

My First Ever After High Doll Set – Got Them Today
I’m excited to be in on the very beginning of the Ever After High doll line of Mattel dolls. This new series I will follow and collect closely. I missed the first couple of years of Monster High doll collecting and it’s been very hard to catch up. In fact I haven’t. I am missing […]

My New Brave and Tangled Disney Doll Shipment
Yippee! Lookie what I got delivered to my door today! I love getting packages and even better when they are dolls. These were on sale at the online Disney Store so I felt compelled to scoop some up. I can’t resist a sale. I got 3 different Merida dolls. I was worried they would change […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls – Series 2
The 2nd series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls included Sunny Side Up, Berry Jars N Jam, Blossom Flowerpot,Tippy Tumblelina, Pepper Pots N Pans, Misty Mysterious, Shara Mirage, and Marina Anchors. View their pictures here.

Smoothing Out The Dollhouse Kitchen Walls
The inside of the exterior walls are in an unfinished state. It looks like the builder put sheet rock in but then never finished it up. They are quite rough and uneven so I knew I needed to do something before putting up wallpaper. Here is a picture of the kitchen wall I’m starting with […]

Monster High Dance Class Lagoona Blue Doll And Extra Fashions
I’ve had the ballet school Lagoona Blue doll for a while but just opened her the other day. The reason I’m writing about her now is that I found an extra outfit on clearance at Target the other day and wanted to dress her up. They also had Spinmaster La Dee Da Doll fashions on […]