Archive for July, 2014

Peteena Poodle In A Bikini Doll From Hasbro
Who Is That Sexy Pale Poodle Star? You’ve never heard of a Peteena Poodle doll? I hadn’t either until a few months ago but she has captured my fancy and now I’m a hard core Peteena fan. Let me introduce you to Peteena the Poodle in a Bikini’s charms and charisma. The basics – Peteena […]

Petite Blythe and Middie Blythe Dolls
Welcome To The World Of Blythe Petite and Middie Dolls Blythe Petite and Middie dolls are smaller versions of the Neo Blythe doll, with a few different features, and a much lower price. Beginning shortly after the first Neo Blythe dolls were introduced Takara began making mini Blythe dolls, or “Petite” Blythes. And then in […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies Carousel Sets
The other day I found almost all of the Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies sets on clearance at Target. So today I’m looking at them a little closer and adding the Christmas ponies set from Target 2013. Here is the list. Carousel set #1 has ponies #1, #2, and #3 included. Sold exclusively at Target. Pony #1 […]

Maleficent and Aurora Disney Store Dolls
I finally received the Disney Store 12″ Maleficent and Aurora dolls that were designed for the new movie starring Angelina Jolie. I wrote earlier about the poor condition of the boxes that the first 2 basic Disney Store dolls and now that the others are here I thought I’d share and compare these newer and […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies and Hello Kitty Accessory Sets On Clearance
I haven’t been to Target in a while. I’ve been busy getting ready for a baby shower I hosted and just haven’t had time to do any doll shopping. But the shower is finally over and I went into the store yesterday. Lookie what I found! All the Lalaloopsy Mini Pony sets on clearance. They […]