Archive for October, 2014

Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls Series 14
The 14th series of Lalaloopsy Mini dolls includes Bijou Treasure Trove, Dazzle n Gleam, Clarity Glitter Gazer, and Charms Seven Carat. View their pictures here.

Haunted Dolls, Dollhouses, And Miniatures For Halloween
In honor of the upcoming Hallows celebration I thought I would share some of the creatively creepy dolls and dollhouse photos I’ve collected on my Dollhouses Pinterest board. This haunted hollhouse is from The Haunted Construction Co. It looks like they build haunted houses of all sizes to sell. There are some really unique dollhouse […]

Fisher Price Beanstalk Toy Shop Thrift Store Find
Yesterday I stopped by a thrift store while running errands. I haven’t been thrifting in ages because the last few times I went everything seemed so overpriced. But I decided to try anyway. This particular store is a for profit thrift and the prices are usually very high, sometimes more than a new item. I […]

Mini Mooshka Elephant and Boo Scaredy Cat Mini Lalaloopsy
Money had been so tight lately that I’ve not been doll shopping in ages. But I was in Target the other day and of course had to pick up the new Halloween Special Edition Mini Lalaloopsy doll. They also had all 4 of the new Mini Mooshka animal series but I picked the one I […]