Category: LittleMissMatched

LittleMissMatched Sporty Girl Doll
Here’s my Sporty Girl doll. I bought her on clearance at Toys r Us. A doll collector friend emailed me with an alert that she had seen a couple of LittleMissMatched dolls at one of the Toys r Us stores way across town. Of course I immediately packed up and dashed over. These dolls have […]

LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl Doll
This is LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl. I bought her from an eBay seller. She had all of her accessories but was not in a box. Like the other LittleMissMatched Tonner Toys play dolls she stands 15 1/4″ tall. These dolls don’t come with a stand but they have flat feet so they easily stand up on […]

LittleMissMatched Dolls From Tonner Doll Company
Sporty Girl, Uptown Girl, Rock n Roll Girl, and Artsy Girl. They are 15 ΒΌ inch vinyl fashion dolls for young doll collectors. Play dolls made by Tonner. They captured my attention because 1) Tonner had not made a play doll in a long time, I think since the Magic Attic dolls in the 1990s […]