Dollhouse News

Howleen Wolf and The Wolf Family Siblings
The 13 Wishes Howleen Wolf is my favorite Howleen so far. I like her long straight hair. And pink hair is a bonus too. She’s the youngest Wolf sibling so far, standing around 10″ tall. The webisodes have hinted that there may be more Wolf dolls because they say there are many Wolf brothers and […]

Angelica Sound Bratzillaz Witchy Princess – With Pink Hair!
I am pleased to introduce my new Bratzillaz Witchy Princess doll, Angelica Sound. Before I write about her I have to confess I’ve never been a fan of Bratz dolls. I’ve never purchased one, or owned one. They just don’t interest me. But while browsing the doll aisles in K-Mart the other day I saw […]

Ghoul Spirit Spectra Vondergeist Joins The Dollhouse Team
I bought a Spectra Vondergeist Ghoul Spirit doll from Amazon just before Christmas. They had incredible deals on a bunch of Monster High dolls (meaning under $10) and I couldn’t resist. Spectra isn’t my favorite character, only because her facial features are so sharp and angular. She just doesn’t look like a teenager to me. […]

My Honey Swamp Doll – Couldn’t Resist The Hair
Meet my newest Monster High doll, Honey Swamp. She’s one of the Frights, Camera, Action monsters. I told myself that I was on a Monster High Doll diet but I couldn’t resist Honey’s corkscrew curly two-toned aquamarine colored hair and reptile eyes. Here are some of the highlights of her bio – Honey Swamp is […]

MiWorld Opi Nail Salon – Perfect For Dolly Manicures
Okay I think this is the cutest doll accessory set ever. I had to have it. It’s the OPI nail salon from Miworld / Jakks Pacific. It comes with 2 walls decorated like a real nail salon, a pedicure chair, manicure table with a stylist and customer chair, a palette of “tools” for the stylist, […]

Viperine Gorgon Pretty Pink Ghoul At Monster High
Viperine Gorgon is one of the newly released Monster High dolls from the Frights Camera Action Hauntlywood series. She’s Deuce Gorgon’s cousin in the webisodes and comes to Monster High from Barcelgrona. She’s very feminine and wears lots of pink. Even pink serpents in her hair. More on that later. The picture above is Viperine […]

Bleeding Edge Dolls
Welcome To The World Of Begoth Bleeding Edge Dolls Are you a Gothic Doll collector? If you haven’t been introduced to Bleeding Edge dolls then you are missing out on some of the most beautiful and exquisite Gothic / Medieval collectible dolls on the market. Bleeding Edge dolls have pale skin, elaborate makeup and hairstyles, […]

Rufus Rutter Tonner Doll – A Friend For Ellowyne Wilde
Meet Rufus Rutter, my new doll from Wilde Imagination. I bought him from eBay naked. Probably the seller sold his clothes in another auction. I wanted the Unrequited version of the Rufus collection and he’s discontinued so I had to buy him on the secondary market. It took a while for him to show up […]

A History Of Blythe – From 1972 Kenner To Now
Blythe is an 11 1/2 inch tall fashion doll created by Kenner Toys in 1972. Her distinguishing feature is her large eyes that changed color using a pull string. Unfortunately, little girls of the day didn’t quite know what to make of her. Blythe was a bit ahead of her time and she was a spectacular flop.

Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse Outside Gets Updated
A few weeks ago I wrote about my Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse creation. I started with a plain wood house from Michaels Craft Store and customized the interior for my Mini Lalaloopsy Dolls. This week I’ve been working on finishing the outside of their tiny abode. I left the paint the same bright Watermelon Krylon spray […]

Goodreau Wizard of Oz Kitty The Cowardly Lion 17″ Ball Joint Doll
Please join me in welcoming Kitty the Goodreau Ball Jointed Doll to my collection. Goodreau is no longer producing dolls and I believe this is one of the last vinyl styles still available for sale. I did a little research on Goodreau dolls and found that they were created by Paulette Goodreau and the tagline […]

Lil Woodzeez and Dollhouse Shelf From Target
I found some cute things today at Target. I’ve been eyeing these Lil Woodzeez Furniture and Accessory Sets the last couple of times I was in the store so today I thought was the perfect day to buy them. Because ….. I found this cute dollhouse shelf in a pretty shade of pink too. And […]

Almond AI Ball Joint Doll From Jun Planning
Meet the newest member of my doll collection, the Almond version of the AI doll by Jun Planning. She’s a wee little Ball Joint Doll that stands just 5 1/2″ tall. Jun Planning is the same Japanese doll company that makes Pullip Dolls. I’ve read several online accounts of AI dolls being available at Tuesday […]