Petite Blythe and Middie Blythe Dolls

Welcome To The World Of Blythe Petite and Middie Dolls
Blythe Petite and Middie dolls are smaller versions of the Neo Blythe doll, with a few different features, and a much lower price. Beginning shortly after the first Neo Blythe dolls were introduced Takara began making mini Blythe dolls, or "Petite" Blythes. And then in 2010 the first Middie Blythe was born. The smaller size dolls are easier to travel with and sometimes easier to photograph in tight spots. And they have just as much of a following by Blythe fans as their larger sister Neo Blythe dolls. Read the rest of this article to learn the features and differences of Petite and Middie Blythe.
Petite Blythe Dolls

photo credit: meaganmakes via photopin cc
Petite Blythe came into being in 2002. She is 4 1/2 inches tall, has only one color eyes, and was originally made as a keychain. She was called Pucci at first. Between then and now Petite Blythe has gone through a few changes. First she was modified so that her arms and legs can bend, and the more recent versions have eyes that sleep. Their tiny undies are painted on their bodies so you don’t have to worry about changing those itty bitty things. You can expect to pay between $50 to $150 for a Petite, with most falling into the $50 – $80 range. There have been more than 100 different Petite Blythe doll models released.
eBay Is A Great Place To Buy Petite Blythe Dolls
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This is Blythe Book By Gina Garan - The Book That Started It All
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Middie Blythe Dolls
The newest member of the Blythe family is Middie Blythe. She was released in 2010, and according to the Takara company she’s “not to o big, not too small, she’s just right”. She’s about 7 ¾ inches tall. Middie looks a bit more childish than Neo Blythe, but more grown up than Petite Blythe. And her head and eyes can tilt so she looks to the right or left. This gives her more facial expression than her Petite sisters. Her eyes have just one color and don’t sleep, her arms bend but not her legs, and she does not bend at the waist. Since 2010 there have been 15 versions of Middie Blythe and they seem to be loved by Blythe doll collectors. Typically she costs about $150 – $200.
Find The Best Deals On Middie Blythe on eBay
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Macaron Q-tea Party - Meet The First Middie Blythe
Blythe Is Dressed By The Most Famous Fashion Designers For Charity
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Category: Blythe
Aha! I’d been wondering why people talk about Blythe as roughly 1:6 scale, while I was sure I’d seen them photographed in smaller dollhouses. This explains it! Middle Blythe is about 1:8, while Petite Blythe is roughly 1:16.
Ooohhh thanks for the scale numbers. I didn’t even think about presenting that in the article.
I want to make underwear for daughters middle Blythe and full size Blythe dolls that can be hand stitched. I’d appreciate any pattern ideas. thanks, L.
If I come across any I’ll send them your way. Thanks for reading.