Tag: Ever After High

C A Cupid Doll From Ever After High
C. A. Cupid is the character that came to Ever After High from Monster High. She’s the only doll that has a version in both lines. I wrote about the Monster High Cupid doll here –>> Meet C A Cupid From Monster High As you can see she got a complete makeover when she came […]

Ashlynn Ella And Hunter Huntsman Come Home
Aren’t they they cutest couple? I was lucky enough to find them at Target earlier this week and they hopped right into my shopping cart. I think they are available in most toy stores by now. I got the pair for $35 which is Mattel’s suggested price I believe. Some stores may be charging more […]

Briar Beauty Is Ready To Party
Before we meet Briar Beauty, here’s a picture of 3 of the girls resting after helping choose colors for the summer cottage. When I put them all together like this their expressions look bored to tears. Raven Queen happened to be lost hiding that day so she didn’t join in the decision making. Now […]

Tea Time For Madeline Hatter
I just got around to opening Madeline Hatter a bit later than I expected. Anyway here she is – gorgeous. I’m crazy about her coloring. The plum purple and aqua hair is a beautiful combination. She’s very bright and cheery, even though she’s a Rebel in the story. Her box is like the other Ever […]

Raven Queen Makes Her Not So Evil Debut
Raven Queen is so far my favorite Ever After High character and I was excited to open the doll. She doesn’t look evil at all and I think that plays into the story line perfectly. She doesn’t want to spend her eternity being mean and hated. If you like, you can buy Raven Queen from […]

My New Apple White Ever After High Doll by Mattel
I was lucky enough to find the new Ever After High dolls in Justice the other day and on sale. Apple White is the first doll I opened and I took pictures. The box is very cool. It looks like a story book and it looks like someone wrote on the edge of the pages […]

My First Ever After High Doll Set – Got Them Today
I’m excited to be in on the very beginning of the Ever After High doll line of Mattel dolls. This new series I will follow and collect closely. I missed the first couple of years of Monster High doll collecting and it’s been very hard to catch up. In fact I haven’t. I am missing […]