Tag: Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse

Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse Outside Gets Updated
A few weeks ago I wrote about my Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse creation. I started with a plain wood house from Michaels Craft Store and customized the interior for my Mini Lalaloopsy Dolls. This week I’ve been working on finishing the outside of their tiny abode. I left the paint the same bright Watermelon Krylon spray […]

I Created My Own Lalaloopsy Mini Doll House
It was so much fun. I’m not really that crafty but this was so easy. Just used the Lalaloopsy mini doll furniture and a few pieces from other doll sets that I had. And lots of scrapbook paper, craft paint, buttons, and stickers. You can see the Lalaloopsy girls love it. They have already moved […]