Tag: Lalaloopsy Ponies

Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies Carousel Sets
The other day I found almost all of the Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies sets on clearance at Target. So today I’m looking at them a little closer and adding the Christmas ponies set from Target 2013. Here is the list. Carousel set #1 has ponies #1, #2, and #3 included. Sold exclusively at Target. Pony #1 […]

Lalaloopsy Mini Ponies and Hello Kitty Accessory Sets On Clearance
I haven’t been to Target in a while. I’ve been busy getting ready for a baby shower I hosted and just haven’t had time to do any doll shopping. But the shower is finally over and I went into the store yesterday. Lookie what I found! All the Lalaloopsy Mini Pony sets on clearance. They […]