Angelica Sound Bratzillaz Witchy Princess – With Pink Hair!

I am pleased to introduce my new Bratzillaz Witchy Princess doll, Angelica Sound. Before I write about her I have to confess I've never been a fan of Bratz dolls. I've never purchased one, or owned one. They just don't interest me. But while browsing the doll aisles in K-Mart the other day I saw this pink haired cutie peeking at me and she was on sale. If you read my blog you may remember that recently I gathered some of my pink haired dolls for a photo shoot. Turns out I've got several, enough to be considered a collection I think. So when I saw this Bratzillaz doll I was intrigued enough to take a chance on her. You can price her on Amazon here:
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I know nothing about Bratz dolls or Bratzillaz. But quick research told me that these Bratzillaz dolls are a spin off witch line. They are cousins of Bratz. There are several different sets and this is one of the newest. I don't know which collection she is from.
This is her in the box as I saw her on the shelf in the store. I also spotted her pink eyes right away. Now I've got to tell you I have suffered from a bad case of pink eye myself in the past couple of weeks and this was one of my first excursions after it cleared up. Seeing a doll with pink hair and pink eyes, I just knew it was meant to be.
Upon closer inspection I see that she comes with a headband with a birdcage on it. And inside is a glow in the dark bird. You can't make this stuff up.
Apprently these dolls each posses a special power. Angelica Sound can control the sound when there is noise all around her. I suppose that can come in handy if your a fashion doll. The other 2 dolls from this line are pictured on the back. Their names are in Spanish, and then in small print in English. Not sure if that's because I live in Central Florida or not. It's very handy to know how to speak Spanish living here I can attest to that.
Once I took off the plastic cover you can see her better. Look at those three curly knots on top of her head. Really uniqe. She comes with a cape, a brush that looks like a broom, and the aforementioned birdcage headband. No stand
Here's a close up of the bird in the cage. It's in a fixed position and the cage has a door but it doesn't open.
Angelica's makeup consists of pink eyeshadow in 2 shades, and soft white under her highly arched brows. She has very dark lipstick on her full lips. I think this is one of the features that kept me away from the regular Bratz dolls. Their exaggerated lips. They remind me of Collagen injections gone horribly awry. These Bratzillaz doll lips are a good bit smaller than the Bratz dolls and much easier to get accustomed to.
Here's Angelica standing up with her cape on. She has to be propped up against a background because she has very wobbly legs. A stand would have been nice. Her hair is long and extremely soft. It brushes so easily. It's mostly pink but there are a few white highlights in it.
And a closeup.
In this close up picture you can see her eye detail very well. She's got very light pink irises with brighter pink lines radiating from the pupil. Also a few squiggly lines around the edge of her pupil. Kind of looks like her iris is bloodshot instead of the white area. And she's got a curly que face paint design too.
Here she is without the cape. Her dress is confusing. It's got puffy sleeves but the neckline is asymetrical and one sleeve hangs lower on her left arm. It looks like the skirt is a pseudo wrap around but there is a place where it's open in the front and the netting from the underskirt shows through.
It closes with Velcro in the back so it's fairly easy to take off. The layered underskirt is kind of tight though. Takes a little bit of maneuvering.
From the back you can kind of see what I mean about a wrap around skirt. It's stitched in place though. Looks like if it wasn't there would be just a big long sash that was wrapped around.
Angelica on her new chaise lounge. I found someone with one of these on Flickr and she was kind enough to tell me where to buy it. It's very heavy. It was made by Jun Planning. I guess for Pullip dolls. Anyway I thought it was really pretty so I bought one. Angelica Sound thinks its quite comfy.
And ta-da! Finally she models the bird cage on her head. I haven't tried turning out the lights to see how well little birdie glows.
With the birdcage and the pink twisty knots on her head she is quite striking.
This is a picture of her clothes and accessories. Everything that comes in the box except the doll. I didn't show her shoes at a good angle but they have slits in the back so they're easy to remove.
Angelica sits very easily. One of her hands can touch the top of her face. The other arm doesn't bend as well at the elbow. I didn't force it because it seemed like it would break. She is very short waisted. Long legs and short body. Her underpants are painted on in a shimmery color.
MGA Entertainment is printed on the back. MGA stands for Micro-Games America. Not sure why LTD British info is printed there. Wikipedia says MGA is headquartered in California. Not in the mood to do deep research on the topic, but I though the UK reference was interesting.
I put her on a Monster High boys stand. Her waist is too thick to use a girl stand.
Here's a side profile view. She has a pretty flat face and huge forehead.
After my KMart visit I scooted over to Walmart and found a different cape on sale. It's from a different line of Bratzillaz but for 2 bucks I couldn't resist.
The back of the package shows other Bratzillaz that go with this particular fashion.
Not bad for $2.
The shoes fit perfectly, but the cape is a bit weird. It closes in the back with Velcro and she has no place to fit her arms through the front. The little pink witch hat is on a headband. It can't compete with a glowing birdcage but it's still cute.
So overall my first Bratzillaz doll is a big hit. Her hair is what drew me to her but I love her face and eyes too. The only thing I don't like is that she's so wobbly and has no stand. It's easily remedied by using a MH stand though. I'll need to take a new pink hair doll picture to include her now.
Bratzillaz Witchy Princesses Doll- Angelic Sounds
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Product Description
Bratzillaz Witchy Princesses Doll- Angelica Sound
Glam gets wicked with Bratzillaz These Bratzillaz are the only fashion dolls that help girls achieve their dreams with special witch powers, wicked glam fashions and adorable mischievous pets! While exploring the academy, the Bratzillaz discover hidden pictures of Forgotten Princesses they read about in history class. They recognized them by their birdcage hats, witchmark make-up, and their elegant dresses that look like they are from another time. The Bratzillaz use their magic to free the princesses from their picture frames and befriend them.
Product Features
- 4 NEW characters!
- Unique witch hats made out of bird cages
- Hair accessories are mini birds to match their hats
- Birds glow in the dark
- Product Measures: 2.5" x 9" x 13"
- Recommended Ages: 7-9 years
- Unique witch hats made out of bird cages
- Hair accessories are mini birds to match their hats
- Birds glow in the dark
Bratzillaz Witchy Princesses Doll- Angelic Sounds
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Category: Bratzillaz