Clawd Wolf and Draculaura Music Festival Dolls

Clawd Wolf and Draculara Music Festival Dolls
Just a few days ago I wrote about my most coveted Monster High dolls and Clawd Wolf was on the list. Preferably the Schools Out Clawd with Draculaura or the Sweet 16 version. Well today I was in my local Kmart and they had the Music Festival pair so they jumped in my cart ad came home with me. He was my 3rd choice but I am still thrilled to have him. This is a Kmart exclusive set so that's the only physical store you can find them in. But lots of folks are selling them online, at a premium of course. I've resorted to that quite a few times when I can't find a particular doll.
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So here they are, the sweetheart pair. I took some pictures but I have to take my photos outside because I don't have a room with enough natural light in my house. And I live in Florida where it's beastly hot. Today was a day with high humidity too so between every picture I had to wipe the fog off my camera lens. That's my disclaimer if the photos aren't up to snuff. In fact more often than not, the heat is the reason I don't post so often. I have to be in the mood to sweat to take the pictures.
Here they are in the package.
They both have stands so so I used them for most of the pictures. No hairbrushes though so there are some flyaways showing up.
Half of Clawd Wolf's head is flocked. Similar to the Clawdeen Wolf Ghouls Rule doll I wrote about previously. The rest of his head has brown hair with some turquoise streaks. Not crazy about his beard. It's like really long sideburns that stop and then there's a dot farther down his jawline. And my Clawd has some glue remnants on his face. That's okay I'm still crazy about him.
I really like his hands. They are big and shaped quite claw-like.
He's wearing jean shorts and a tank top. He's also got a turquoise watch, some sunglasses that don't stay on his face very well, and a ticket pass for the concert around his neck. His shoes are flip flops but of course they don't have anything between the toes. Seems like the shoes would fall off easily but they don't. And his ankles have joints. Holt Hyde's did too so I guess that's standard for boy Monster High dolls.
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Poor Dracularua had to wear heels to the concert. Here is a picture of the back of her dress. It's a vinyl-like material with sparkly mesh on the top. And she wears a black see through short top with long sleeves, and a black belt. I also have a shot of the back of Clawd's outfit. She has her ticket around her neck too.
And a close up of the side of her shoes. Pink bows and like Draculaura.
Draculaura wears her bat earrings, in pink of course to coordinate with her outfit.
Her eye makeup is pink, as are her lips, and she has heavy pink highlights in her hair. She's got a pink heart on her left cheek.
So after the music festival Draculaura and Clawd decided to relax in the patio chairs out by the pool and discuss what they liked about the bands. It was very bright, which Draculaura can't stand for very long so it was a brief visit. Clawd managed to keep his sunglasses on.
Just a few more minutes of rest after a long day at the Music Festival. Then it's back into the house where the sun doesn't shine.
This is my 3rd Draculaura doll. I have the original Wave 1 and Snow Bite. But my first Clawd so I'm very excited for him to be here. I'm sure he will show up on more blog posts in the future.
Here are some Music Festival doll for sale online if you're interested.
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Music Festival Dolls! Ghouls like to groove, and a music festival is sure to be a howling good time! Each of these music-lovers is dressed to express their favorite genre.Monster High - Clawd Wolf and Draculaura Music Festival GIFTSET
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