Clawdeen Wolf Dawn of the Dance Doll – An eBay Find

Here's my Clawdeen Wolf Dawn of the Dance Doll I bought pre-owned on eBay. She's almost perfect, minus her i-coffin phone. I can buy one of those on eBay separately if I want later on. But she was about 1/4 the price of the comparable unopened new in the box Dawn of the Dance Clawdeen. I'm ferociously happy to have her.
I admit it, I'm one of those doll collectors that gets a euphoric feeling when I see a new shipment of Monster High Dolls on the store shelves. I quick look around to make sure nobody else is going to make a mad dash and grab them before me. And I hoard one of each in my shopping cart until I decide which one(s) I want to buy so nobody else can get them. Yes I am a bit of a freak when I find new Monster High Dolls.
This is a Clawdeen Wolf at the Dawn of the Dance Doll unopened. She's a bit pricey because she's one of the older doll lines - released in September 2010.
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Some of my dolls are collectible and I never take them out of the box. But sometimes I just want to play with my dolls. And I've decided the best way to get Monster High play dolls is to buy them already opened on eBay. Sometimes I get all the accessories, and sometimes I don't. But they are a lot cheaper, and then I don't ever have to decide if I want to open a box.
So with that explanation out of the way, back to my eBay Clawdeen. Here she is as I received her. She stands on her own despite the thin heel shoes. Boy those are some bright gold pumps. Her green sash is supposed to thread in her dress belt loops but I had not gotten to that yet when I took the pictures. I love the retro fish net stockings. She actually was supposed to have a lime green brush but I got a red one - oh well.
Her neon lime green hair is loaded (and I mean LOADED) with hair product. I brushed a long time to make her hair not feel like a helmet. It could actually use a boiling to loosen it up but I did okay with the brush. She looks much better with fluffy hair.
Here she is after I brushed her hair, and a comparison shot. She looks better right?
Her gold earrings match her shoes and her eyeshadow is done in coordinating gold and green. She's got a nice dark complexion and deep purple lipstick like her dress. The dark coloring makes her white fangs really pop. This one had a few gold flakes on her face but they came off easily with soap and water.
Dawn of the Dance Clawdeen Wolf was happy to meet her counterparts in my Clawdeen Wolf open box doll collection. Here they are sharing some coffee, snacks, and getting acquainted.
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