Disney Store Aurora and Maleficent Dolls – Shipping Fail

I haven't been to see the new Disney Maleficent movie with Angelina Jolie yet but I went ahead and ordered the dolls that were released for the movie from the Disney Store Online website. They were backordered so I have to wait a couple of weeks to get them. In order to take advantage of the free shipping I also ordered the standard Disney Sleeping Beauty dolls, which shipped right away. Here's what I got.
Both dolls in crushed boxes. The shipping box was big enough but the dolls were on the bottom and there was a ridiculous number of air pillows on top. So many that they smashed the boxes below. The shipper was bulging at the taped seams due to the air pillow overload.
You can see the damage better from the side.
And the back.
Aurora's box, above, isn't quite as bad as the wicked villain's, shown below.
I think I'm going to send them back even though the dolls themselves aren't damaged. If I don't have enough room to display a doll I like to store it in the original box, and in this case that will not happen. I need to email or call the Disney Store tomorrow and see how they respond. I don't want to pay return shipping on damaged merchandise. Or, since I only live a few miles away, I may just ride out to Downtown Disney and exchange them. Depends on my mood. I hope the new dolls from the 2014 movie aren't packaged so badly.
I'm an eBay seller and if I packed something like this you can bet I'd be getting some rotten feedback from my customers. Don't worry if you buy from me because I'm a very careful packer, basically because I know how it feels to be treated like this and wouldn't want to disappoint a buyer.
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Category: Disney
Every single time I order dolls from the disney store, they arrive completely destroyed. The closest disney store is 2 hours from me. I’m about to give up.
Oh no that’s not encouraging. Have you tried calling them? Maybe they would send you a postage paid label to exchange the dolls? I’ve only ordered once before if I remember correctly and the dolls were fine that time. This last shipment was a disaster. I never got around to taking them back but I may still try. I just got a notice that the newest Aurora doll made for the movie has shipped. It will be interesting to see how the package looks. I suppose the new Maleficent doll is still back ordered. I’ll update the post when I receive all of the dolls and let you know how it goes.
I have to call them and request for extra packaging to ensure they don’t arrive damaged, otherwise they put one bubble sheet and the box looks like UPS ran it over with the truck!
My tinkerbell’s box didn’t even look like a box anymore, that’s how bad it was. I called Disney and they sent a replacement. I also requested extra packaging. Let’s see if this one arrives damaged.
I have the new Maleficent dolls on the way as well. Crossing my fingers that UPS doesn’t kill them! Otherwise I will just call every single time I place an order, and ask for extra packaging. This is ridiculous.
I also sell on ebay, and if an item arrived in that condition, the customer would be leaving me a negative and asking for a refund.
I received a box of 10 dolls today, ALL crushed.
Oh No! I wouldn’t buy from them anymore. I received the Aurora doll today and the box was slightly dented. If I was keeping her collectible in the box I would return it but since I’m going to open her I suppose it’s okay. I have quite a few Disney Stores nearby (I’m in Central Florida), and I think I’ll shop there from now on instead of online. It’s a shame there aren’t any near you.