Dollhouse Progress Paused For A While

Just in case anybody out there reads my blog, I wanted to let you know why I haven't posted any updates on my doll house progress lately. Because it's buried in boxes and eBay inventory.
See what I mean? Here's the story. At the beginning of 2013 my husband and I became empty-nesters. It was wonderful. I took over the room vacated by my 24 year old daughter and put all my eBay inventory (I sell mostly jewelry, and a few dolls), packing materials, and Christmas decorations that are too fragile to live in the attic during the year. I had my entire office for my computer set up, dollhouses and dolls.
Then a few months ago my 19 year old stepson moved in and all my extra room that I had expanded into was no longer available. So part of the stuff is in the dining room in cabinets, some is in my grandkids room, and the rest is in my office. Alas no room to work on the dollhouses and it's hard to even get to my tools and supplies. I have no idea how long he will be with us. His well being is much more important that my dolls, so he is of course welcome here. But darn it!!! I was so loving having an extra room. And I had sure filled it up fast. Now my office/doll room is bursting at the seams.
The good part is that I have plenty of time to make specific plans to create a super duper cool remodeled room when I can. And plenty of incentive. I've already got scaled drawings in my organizer, and an idea "picture notebook" in a folder on my computer.
Sooo.... until something changes I'll not likely be doing too much on either dollhouse. But I do still play with the dolls and buy new ones when I can. Therefore I have plenty to write about if you are interested. Thanks for reading.
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Category: The Dollhouse
Just found your blog and love your Blythe house. Just enjoy the journey. I now how frustrating it can be not to have a place to create. I have been a working on a San Franciscan (for two years on and off) that will house my mini Blythe and mini Pullips. It’s a haunted house but more on the sophisticated side. Like you, I am also a Grandmother. Thank you for sharing your journey–I look forward to more posts! Regards, Terry
Hi Terry, thanks very much for letting me know you also have a Dollhouse. After I bought this house I’ve seen several others that I would have rather worked on, more sophisticated like yours, but there’s no way I’m getting rid of mine and of course I don’t have room for anther. I would love to see pictures of your progress.