Ellowyne Wilde Has New Fashions

As promised today I changed Ellowyne from her long morbid black gown into one of the outfits I bought for her. This one is Bay Breeze. It's a complete ensemble that I got at the IDEX doll show. It was my first and last IDEX show because a few weeks ago I got a letter stating they were dismantling IDEX. It was a lot of fun so I'm glad I got to attend just one. You can read about my experience if you click the link.
Back to the new outfit. Here it is in the box before I took everything out.
First of course I took off her long black dress. I had to take her forearms and hands off to undress her.
"Look ma no hands!"
You can see she has a joint in her torso. I like this because it allows her to bend side to side a little bit. Gives more flexibility for posing.
The blouse is a sleeveless bodysuit that snaps up the front. It fits very snugly.
She has fishnet arm gloves.
Then the skirt. These clothes are made very well. Of course Robert Tonner was a fashion designer before he was a doll designer so I would imaging he would want high quality in his products. The skirt snaps in the back.
The Ellowyne Wilde doll comes with a clear saddle stand. These stands allow the clothes to hang freely instead of bunching up around the waist.
The hat was hard to position because of her intricate hairstyle. I didn't force it because I would never be able to re-do the hair if the braids came apart.
Unfortunately there was one mishap when the hat went on. Can you see it? Her eyelash fell off. I have no idea how to glue it back on. I'm afraid to try. I'll have to ask them what type of glue to use and get out my jewelry beading tweezers. Ugh.
So here she is without the hat.
And here's the eyelash. 🙁
A back view.
I don't yet have a chair for 16" dolls but here's the closest thing. She sits easily and her legs would bend more if the chair was higher.
I took her outdoors to get some color behind her. She's beautiful even without one eyelash.
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Category: Wilde Imagination