Emerald The Enchanting Witch Doll Is Moving Into The Dollhouse

In the last post I mentioned another doll that will be occupying the dollhouse. This is her, she's Emerald the Enchanting Witch from Girls World 1972. Another '72 doll to be friends with Blythe. I think I need to name my dolls something other than Blythe and Emerald the Enchanting Witch. This one is going to be Phoebe.
I got Phoebe from eBay. And I wrote a little review on my Emerald The Enchanting Witch Doll page. I have some other doll reviews there too. She came in this outfit which is original. Her eyes blink when I put a battery in her back compartment. I don't keep one in there though because she's old and I don't want to risk having a leaky battery ruin her blinkers. Here's a view of her back. Yeah she's an oldie moldie. Eventually I'll clean her up but it will be on a day when I'm very patient and have no distractions. I need to be careful with her. She seems a bit more fragile than Blythe to me.
Did you notice her body is purple? Purple skin and green hair. How cool is that. I've already ordered her a bed for her room in the dollhouse. I'm getting ahead of myself I know but it's hard to resist because everything is so cute. Here she is in her new outfit I bought. She's taking in some fresh air out by the pool. Yes those are Operetta's sunglasses she's wearing. They fit fangtastically!
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Category: Emerald The Enchanting Witch
Oh, here I see, you bought the dress from someone. Maybe on Etsy?
I like the style.
I bought the hats form someone on Etsy.