Haunted Dolls, Dollhouses, And Miniatures For Halloween

In honor of the upcoming Hallows celebration I thought I would share some of the creatively creepy dolls and dollhouse photos I've collected on my Dollhouses Pinterest board.

Image Credit: The Haunted Construction Co
This haunted hollhouse is from The Haunted Construction Co. It looks like they build haunted houses of all sizes to sell. There are some really unique dollhouse ideas on this blog.

Image Credit: Playmobil Customized 1989 Mansion
This creative Etsy artist takes old Playmobil mansion sets and makes Halloween haunted mansion. Very clever. I think I need some Playmobil skeletons right now.

Image Credit: Dollar Store Dollhouse Haunted Mirror
A ghastly miniature dollhouse mirror featured on the Dollar Store Dollhouse Blog.

Image Credit: Barnabas Collins sleeping in the cupboard

Image Credit: High Society Tea In The Haunted Dollhouse
From Patricia Paul Studio Haunted Housewares website. They have lots of creepy miniatures to custom order.

Image Credit: Otterine's Miniatures Haunted Heritage Dollhouse
The Haunted Heritage doll house made the October 2014 cover of Miniature Collector Magazine.

Image Credit: Vera Zurndorfer About Home Fall Challenge Dollhouse
A simple kit house turned into a witches retreat by Very Zurndorfer.

Image Credit: One Stop Witch Shop
Potions, spell books and all the witchy accessories your lil haunted house will ever need, courtesy of the Etsy Dark Team.
And here are a couple of Haunted House You Tube Tours for fun.
Some of these are creative commons publications and some aren't. I'm aware that it's a no-no to post someone else's pictures but I'm employing the ask forgiveness not permission method with links to the source, not to Pinterest. I also took care not to post pictures if they were all rights reserved on Flickr. If anybody who owns these is offended or disapproves of me borrowing them I will be more than happy to remove them. just leave me a comment or email me via the contact link.
There I hope that covers my butt. If not I may disappear forever into the internet sandbox. Fingers crossed.
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Category: Haunted Halloween