I Created My Own Lalaloopsy Mini Doll House

It was so much fun. I'm not really that crafty but this was so easy. Just used the Lalaloopsy mini doll furniture and a few pieces from other doll sets that I had. And lots of scrapbook paper, craft paint, buttons, and stickers. You can see the Lalaloopsy girls love it. They have already moved in and are relaxing. Here's the beginning of the project. A premaid wooden craft house from Michaels. I used my 50% off coupon to buy it. I think it was around $9 after discount.
And some Watermelon colored Krylon spray paint. It's really more bright pink than watermelon colored though.
And after several days of remodeling, and a few trips back to Michaels, here's the result. The Lala living room and dining room are downstairs. The upstairs is really more like an attic. The size is much shorter so there's limited furniture. One room is a sunroom with a bench, and the other is the Lalaloopsy bedroom. The 2 living room chairs are from Calico Corners and the white sun room bench is a Playmobil furniture piece. I made the little coffee table from a wooden part and a button.
Here are the miniature doll sets that I used on this side:
Mini Lalaloopsy Pillow's Sleepover Party Playset Featuring Pillow Featherbed
Mini Lalaloopsy Crumbs' Tea Party Crumbs Sugar Cookie Playset
Here's a view showing the side wall. I love the "Sew" sticker above the interior door. The chandelier is a jewelry craft piece.
And the other side of the mini dollhouse. In it resides the kitchen, stairs, garden room, and sewing room. The appliances and furniture are all from Lalaloopsy except for the refrigerator. It's from Calico Corners. The spool under the stairs I made along with the stacked button potted plant in the garden room. The wheelbarrow is a Christmas ornament I painted orange. And the birdcage is another craft jewelry piece I got at Michaels. The good thing about going there several times is that I got to reuse my coupon over and over.
The Lalaloopsy Mini Kitchen Set is shown here:
Mini Lalaloopsy Playset - Berry Jars n' Jam
Here are a few more closeup views of each area of the dollhouse.
I have some ideas for the exterior. I'll add window shutters and probably draw on a topiary by the front door and a tree on the back. But I wanted to share the inside of the Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse as soon as I finished it. Enjoy.
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Category: Lalaloopsy, The Dollhouse
I would love to make this lalaloopsy mini house for my daughter but I’ve been to three michaels stores and they don’t have it. Did you purchase it recently?
Yes I think I bought it right before Christmas. It wasn’t in the regular wood section, it was up high on a shelf along the side of the store. I hope you find one.
Hey! Well I have found a castle but sadly no dollhouse. So I’m thinking of using one of those wooden boxes from hobby lobby that has a handle and hinges and just making the inside look like a dollhouse. My little one is 3 so I figured having a completely closed box might be better with her carrying it around! I’ve already ordered all the furniture. Thanks! Yours is super cute:)
I’m glad you found a solution. I was just at Hobby Lobby yesterday and looked around at their wooden pieces with you in mind. Have fun making it special for your 3 year old.
Ok, so I showed a friend at work your dollhouse and she said I HAVE to find it. Lol so I called Birmingham (an hour away) and they have them! So I’m gonna be a crazy mom tomorrow on my day off and go get it I guess:)
That’s hilarious. I would do the same thing. I think there are doll collectors that even more crazed than us too. Today I started painting shingles for the roof on the outside. And I made little shutters to glue next to the windows. They won’t close but I think it will look cute and give the house more interesting details. Keep me posted on your progress and I would love to see pictures.
I have it! I had to wait for the lalaloopsy furniture to come from ebay so now I’ve started laying everything out and deciding colors. Then ill paint! Ill try to post pics. I’m new at all this haha
Exciting! One thing to be careful of is the accessories are really small and look yummy. Make sure your little one doesn’t try to eat them. I’m sure you already know that though. Can’t wait to see.
Ok! It’s been two months and I’m done! I don’t know how to post pics here though:(
I’m not sure either. Let me investigate and I’ll get back to you.
I love this so much! We have a ton of mini lalaloopsy dolls, but we have only gotten mostly dolls, so furniture has not really come with them. I looked around online for a bit, but I have found very few mini lalaloopsy doll furniture sets for sale. Will I just have to buy sets with dolls that also have furniture? Do any of those exist anymore?
Thanks so much!
Thanks. There are a few sets that have furniture. I haven’t seen them at the stores lately though. Sometimes I get them on eBay or Amazon but usually pay a little more.
OMG! This is the cutest dollhouse I’ve seen! You did an amazing job! My 5 yr old daughter LOVES mini lalaloopsies. Would be so much fun to make with her! Do you know the brand of the doll house or what the name is…wood house? Trying to find online. Having trouble finding in Michaels. This is a perfect style with the rooms etc. Thank you!!
Hi Heather, Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and for the compliment. I don’t think it had a brand name. It was just in the wood section at Michaels. I haven’t seen another one since. Another reader was able to find it at her store in another state. I’m pretty sure Melissa and Doug have a similar dollhouse. It’s finished wood but it could be painted over and embellished. Good luck.
Oh thank you for responding and I’ll check that one out or check Hobby Lobby. You did inspire me to do this! ;). My daughter even had a 5th lalaloopsy themed birthday. ;). Thx again! Sew cute! Ha 😉
What a fun way to use craft supplies. What little girl wouldn’t love that! You added tons of details. I’m pinning this! Thanks so much for Linking Up at Craft Therapy Thursday at P.S. I Love You Scrapbooking. The new link party started today. I hope you will come join us!