Jinafire Long Scaris City of Frights Doll

Jinafire Long is one of the Scaris City of Frights dolls. These dolls were first available for sale in late 2012. It was one of my favorite Monster High doll lines because there were 3 new dolls introduced, Jinafire, Catrine Demew, and Skelita Calaveras. The storyline is that they all met in Scaris for an international fashion show.
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I bought Jin a few months ago and just got around to opening her. She's a Chinese Dragon so she's got a lot of exotic Oriental styling. I always like to take pictures of the front and back of the box. Once I open it it's usually demolished so this way I have a reference of exactly what was on the packaging.
And a close up of her with the box opened so I can see some of the background picture. Look at that elaborate headdress.
Here is a shot of everything that comes in the box. She has a red journal instead of the typical black version. I got her stay upright without using the stand. Most Monster High dolls stand on their own. That pretty incredible given their shoes are very high heels.
Jinafire's skin is shimmery gold and she has cat-like eye pupils. She wears 2 different shades of plum colored eyeshadow and has long lashes. Her lipstick matches the darker eye makeup. The rest of her body is gold with scales all over. You can't see her ears in any of my pictures but they are pointed. Like dragon ears.
Her hair is green with black streaks. It's styled into a knot and held in place with a bamboo looking stick with red strands on the ends and a flower in the center. Jinafire Long's dress is maroon, red and blue in a Qipao style. It's got a translucent sheath over one arm and hanging from her waist. All of her jewelry and accessories are red and gold colored.
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And she has a long dragon tail. It's removable but if you want to leave it on there is a hole in the dress to accommodate it. I'm sure Jinafire can share clothes with the Werecats because they have a tail too.
Her hair is long and silky feeling. There isn't a lot of product in it which makes it easy to brush.
A close up of her shoes - note the claws on the ball of the shoes. And the ankle strap matches her earrings. Lots of clever details as always in these dolls.
Like the other full Scaris, City of Frights doll sets, she comes with a rolling suitcase. Hers has an Oriental style handle and a dragon design on the front (oops forgot to take a picture of the front - please refer to the photo above with the box contents). The suitcase closes securely and she can put something in there. Maybe her jewelry and shoes if you take them off?
Jinafire is an artist and in fashion school so she carries her journal around to make sketches when an idea pops into her head. Below are a couple of her drawings and some of her journal entries.
Jinafire Long sits beautifully. She's articulated like all other Monster High dolls and poses easily. I think she's a beautiful Monster High doll.
Monster High Monster High Travel Scaris Jinafire Long Doll The ghouls of Monster High are hitting the skies for their first trip abroad together in monster style! Their destination is Scaris, the city of lights and hometown for Rochelle Goyle. A popular destination for jet-setting ghouls, Clawdeen Wolf, Frankie Stein and Rochelle Goyle meet two new friends while traveling the city: Skelita Calaveras and Jinafire Long. With their funky fashions and journaling ways, they fit right in with the Monster High crew. Each doll wears a new travel outfit complete with jewelry and comes with a rolling suitcase and travel journal or sketchbook to capture those memorable moments. Also includes hair brush and doll stand for picture-perfect snapshot poses. Dolls cannot stand alone.Monster High Travel Scaris Jinafire Long Doll
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Category: Monster High