Lalaloopsy Littles Dolls

Lalaloopsy Dolls made by MGA Entertainment now have little sister and brother dolls. They are called Lalaloopsy Littles. Like their older siblings the Lalaloopsy Littles came to life as their last stitch was sewn, and their personality is just like the fabric they were made from. The Littles are a perfect size for taking along on outings because they are smaller than the full sized Lalaloopsy dolls. They are about 7 to 8 inches tall and can easily fit into a backpack or tote bag. It's pretty easy to recognize which Lalaloopsy Doll each Little is related to. They definitely share the same DNA. The list below includes all the Littles Dolls and shares a bit of interesting details for each. For ages 4 to 104.
You can compare prices on Lalaloopsy Littles Dolls at Amazon and Walmart by clicking the colored links in this sentence.
She's the little sister of Bea Spells a Lot. Like her older sibling she was made form a school girls uniform. Her birthday is March 14th. That's Albert Einstein's birthday too. She and Einstein share the same intellect because she's a genius too. Specs Reads a Lot is very shy and has a pet bookworm. She loves to eat apples and she loves to give them to her teacher too. Her favorite pastimes are counting things and collecting gold stars at school.
Squirt lil Top is the younger sister of Peanuts Bit Top. The whole family loves the circus and Squirts outfit was sewn from a clown's costume on January 19th - that's National Popcorn day in case you weren't aware. She loves to tumble and juggle so her skills will come in handy someday. I love her lovely lavender hair. Her pet is a silly peanut.
Bundles Snuggle Stuff just loves to be around her older sister Mittens Fluff N Stuff. Bundles was made from an Eskimo's scarf and loves everything fun in the snow and comes with her own little pink bear. Her birthday is January 6, National Cuddle Day. Some of her favorite things to do are make snow angels and toss snowballs. Her favorite snacks are icicles and snowflakes. She reminds everyone in the Stuff household to bundle up in the cold weather.
Little sister of Crumbs Sugar Cookie, Sprinkle has her own special flavor. She is made from a baker's apron she was finished and came to life on May 15th, which is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Really I had no idea there were so many National Commerative days. Sprinkle Spice Cookie has quite the sweet tooth and loves to eat all types of freshly baked cookies. Her favorite part of baking is licking the bowl. Her pet is a little mouse.
Trinket Sparkles is very much like her big sister, Jewel Sparkles, because she loves all kinds of sparkly shiny objects. Trinket loves to dress up in pink frilly girly dresses and play with her sweet white kitten. She was made form a real princess dress on May 24th which is National Wear A Tiara Day. I think MGA should give Jewel Sparkles her very own tiara don't you?
Scribbles Squiggle Splash and her colorful petite pet giraffe are happiest when they are mixing paint colors and finger painting. Spot Splatter Splash is so proud of her baby sisters artistic ability. Scribbles birthday is January 28th which is also Jackson Pollock's birthday, and she was sewn from ... you guessed it - a pair of painter’s overalls.
Pita Mirage was created from the veil of a real genie. She and her pet snake love to fly around on her magic carpet, and when they get tired, as Little Lalaloopsys often do, the carpet is a perfect place to take a nap. Pita plays the flute, sort of, so far it's just one note, but she's practicing. She also loves to practice granting wishes. Her big sis, Sahara Mirage is training her well.
The boy Lalaloopsies are the hardest to find in the stores. Thank goodness for the internet! Matey is Marina Anchors little bro and he and his pet crab are into paper sailboats. Probably because he was born on National Boating Day - July 1st. His best skills are doggy paddling and tying knots.
Twinkle N Flutters was born on December 21st, Flashlight Day. I've got a special place in my heart for the green haired Lalaloopsy Dolls of all sizes. Green isn't even my favorite color, they just speak to me. That probably explains the pet firefly and her love for putting on light shows. Her big sister is Pix E Flutters.
I love that Blanket Featherbed was sewn from a baby's blankie. And that she comes zipped up all cozy inside her own sleeping bag. She is said to be the first to fall asleep at any slumber party - maybe she counts sheep just like her little pet. Blanket is Pillow Featherbed's little sis.
Little sis of Prairie Dusty Trails. She was sewn from a true cowgirls vest and has the cutest western wear outfit. Her birthday is May 1st because it's National Law Day and Prairie loves to play sheriff. She's got a pretty pink hobby horse to help out.
Stumbles Bumps N Bruises Sew Cute Patient
Stumbles Bumps N Bruises was sewn from a nurses uniform. She comes with a pet bear, a drinking cup with disappearing milk, bandages, medicine bottle, and stethoscope that makes noise. She's also got a disappearing boo - boo on her forehead. When you put warm water in her medicine bottle and hold it against the scar, it goes away. Rosy Bumps 'n' Bruises is her big sister.
Miss Tricky is the sister of Misty Mysterious. She loves to play magicians assistant with big sis, and has a magic wand to help out. She was sewn from a real magician’s cape and wears a pink sparkly tutu for her stage act. Tricky has a pet bunny that looks remarkably like a carrot.
Whiskers Lions Roar and Kat Jungle Roar Sisters
These sisters are inseparable so they're sold as a set and a Toys R Us exclusive. Kat and Whiskers love safaris and love to explore. They have a lion and lion cub for pets. Whiskers outfit is actually a leopard print but why split cat hairs? Whiskers birthday is October 29th – National Cat Day.
The Flowerpot family have two adorable girls, Blossom and her younger sister Petal Flowerpot. They both love to grow flowers and vegetables in their garden. Petal was sewn from a gardeners glove on May 30th, National Water a Flower Day. Her pet snail likes to help with gardening chores too.
Red Fiery Flame is Flicker Flames sister and just loves helping people. She has a little chili pepper for a pet. Red was sewn from a fireman's uniform and wants to be a firefighter someday. Right now he’s practicing by blowing out other peoples birthday candles. Sometimes they don't mind.
Sherri Charades & Rocker N Stroller
Sherri is the little sis of Charlotte Charades. You can sure tell they are related. She was sewn on January 7th - Old Rock Day. So of course she has her very own rocking horse that converts to a stroller. Her pet is a croissant roll (I have no idea why) that can sit in the apple shaped pet carrier.
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Category: Lalaloopsy