Lalaloopsy Mini Merry Christmas

My Lalaloopsy Mini girls has fun playing in the Christmas Village display at my house this week. Here are a few pictures to share. Above is Ivory Ice Crystals trying out Santa's Sleigh. It's parked of course so there's no danger.
And below is Dyna Might playing in the snow.
Lalaloopsy mini dolls have been somewhat elusive in stores the past few weeks. I suspect they were in demand as stocking stuffers. I was able to snag a few for my own Christmas stocking though, including some older versions that I bought on eBay. The Mini dolls are some of my favorite collectibles. I have been trying to list them in order as blog posts with links to purchase them. I would like to have them all eventually - that's a big wish I know. But I'll have to have the complete list to check off the ones I find so this blog is as good a place as any to have them all in order.
The Target exclusive Mini Christmas Ponies greet the Mini Dolls at the North Pole Gate.
Berry Jars n Jam views the Christmas Village from a rooftop.
As does Sahara Mirage.
And Ivory Ice Crystals.
Now she helps the elves load up the sleigh.
And then joins Lightning McQueen and Franchesco on the new race track.
Peanut Big Top riding Bumble with Yukon Cornelius and Rudolph.
Peanut Big Top and Feather Tell a Tale Ride the Polar Express Hobo car.
And Peanut Big Top in the Christmas Candle.
Lalaloopsies checking out the new Peanuts Christmas Toy. One of my 50% off after holiday clearance purchases.
What fun I had playing with Lalaloopsy Mini dolls and the Christmas village. I hope your family has a wonderful holiday and happy new year.
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