Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse Outside Gets Updated

A few weeks ago I wrote about my Lalaloopsy Mini Dollhouse creation. I started with a plain wood house from Michaels Craft Store and customized the interior for my Mini Lalaloopsy Dolls. This week I've been working on finishing the outside of their tiny abode.
I left the paint the same bright Watermelon Krylon spray paint as the inside. The biggest and most visible modification I made was adding the roof shingles. I chose an ice creamy palate of white, light pink and brown and painted individual shingles I bought from Hobby Lobby, then staggered the pattern as I glued them onto the roof.
I cut window shapes from thin Balsa wood and painted them to accent the windows. I drew a little design with colored pencils after the paint dried. On the front of the house I also crafted a little string of flags form Washi tape and glued to each side, adding buttons atop the ends of the string. I think the only thing else that I may do is get a little wreath for the round window. It still looks plain.
On the back of the house I added the same shutters and painted on a tree in the center. I'm a horrible artist. This is made with plain craft paint and crude craft paint brushes. The same stuff I used to paint the shingles. It looks okay though. Fills up the middle of the scene.
You can see I also ran the roof shingles around the sides of the house too. All in all I think it looks pretty good and makes the home nice and cheery looking from the inside or out. The girls love it too.
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Category: Lalaloopsy