Lalaloopsy Mini Dolls Series 13 – Flower Garden

I had a good shopping day today. I hit Walmart, Toys r Us, and Target and found dolls at all three stores. The dolls in the picture above are the newest Lalaloopsy Mini dolls. They are part of Series 13, which is a garden theme. These 4 are flower dolls - Mari Golden Petals, Rosebud Longstem, Bluebell Dewdrop, and Happy Daisy Crown.
I haven't opened them yet. Sometimes I open my little Lalas, and sometimes I save them in the package. I'm not sure what I'll do with these. Probably open them because they are so cute. I love Bluebell the most because of her cute watering can. I can mark a few more off my Lalaloopsy Mini Doll collection checklist.
Mini Lalaloopsy Doll - Mari Golden Petals Check PriceMini Lalaloopsy Doll - Rosebud LongstemCheck Price
Mini Lalaloopsy Doll - Bluebell Dewdrop Check PriceMini Lalaloopsy Doll - Happy Daisy CrownCheck Price
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