LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl Doll

This is LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl. I bought her from an eBay seller. She had all of her accessories but was not in a box. Like the other LittleMissMatched Tonner Toys play dolls she stands 15 1/4" tall. These dolls don't come with a stand but they have flat feet so they easily stand up on their own. Here is a view of her back.
And her face close up. You can see a hint of the paint color from her eyeglasses smudged off onto her face. Her skin color is darker than the other LittleMissMatched dolls. She's lovely.
Like Sporty Girl I had to cut her garments apart before I could remove them. The shirt and jacket were sewn together with a few stitches which made them impossible to get over her head. This time I knew in advance so I didn't tear anything. She has 10 points of articulation at her neck, elbows, shoulders, upper torso, hips and knees. Her joints were not at all stiff and she posed beautifully.
Here is her face without the glasses, which by the way broke when I was trying to turn her head. Darn those glasses were so cute. Somehow I think I know why these dolls aren't available anymore. The dolls are precious but the clothes and accessories seem to be much lower quality. I doubt Robert Tonner, being a fashion designer, would put up with that. You can see more of the color from her glasses stains on her face. I didn't try to wash it off yet. Hopefully it will come off. Maybe using Magic Eraser, which seems to work on some doll vinyl stains.
Her eyes and facial features are painted on. The colors go well with her darker skin. Her hair is very full and brushes easily. I didn't remove the ponytails but the plugs looked full when I peeked in between her pulled back hair.
Artsy Girl comes with a shirt and jacket, pink knicker pants, 3 missmatched socks, flat black Mary Jane shoes, a brush, glasses, and a cute backpack. Everything is very colorful.
The backpack looks really sweet when she wears it. It is held shut with Velcro and is big enough to hold a little trinket or two.
I've got to admit I'm a huge fan of these LittleMissMatched dolls. I only wish I had started collecting them when they were still available for sale at Toys r Us or on the Tonner Website. Now they are hard to find and a bit more expensive from sellers on eBay, Amazon, and other online shopping sites.
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Category: LittleMissMatched