Littlest Pet Shop Blythe Dolls Added To My Collection

Here are a few of the girls posing for a group shot. The setting is a dollhouse I acquired during the past week. Look for a new post on that topic soon.
The newest Littlest Pet Shop Blythe dolls are Pinwheels and Daisies and Autumn Glam. Actually I had them in stock at my Amazon shop and I had them sent back to me. I had purchased them earlier in the year on clearance. The problem is they are discontinued but still available in lots of stores so the price is really low. Which means no profit for me. So better to keep them I say. You can read about them being discontinued here -->> Littlest Pet Shop Blythe Dolls - Discontinued??? Say It Isn't So
Here they are with their pets and accessories.
Pinwheels and Daisies - the box has cute graphics of course.
She has adorable pink sunglasses and a pinwheel that I couldn't get to stay in her hand.
And Autumn Glam.
I almost threw away her little corn cob so it didn't get in her picture. The accessories for LPS Blythes are teeny. The pets both have bobbly heads and matching hats.
The prices for the older dolls are getting pretty high so I doubt I'll ever complete the entire set but I'm keeping an eye out for any reasonably priced dolls. eBay seems to be the best place to find them right now.
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