Maleficent and Aurora Disney Store Dolls

I finally received the Disney Store 12" Maleficent and Aurora dolls that were designed for the new movie starring Angelina Jolie. I wrote earlier about the poor condition of the boxes that the first 2 basic Disney Store dolls and now that the others are here I thought I'd share and compare these newer and more expensive dolls.
Here's a first view of the front of the boxes.
And the side view. They are both dented, with Maleficent being slightly worse for wear, but neither as badly as the dolls in the previous shipment. If I were a Mint in the Box type collector I would return them but I had planned on opening them anyway so they will not be going back to the warehouse. This has definitely soured me on Disney Online ordering though. From now on I'll be visiting the actual stores to buy any dolls that I want. I live in Central Florida and Downtown Disney is only about 20 minutes from my house. Not to mention there are at least 4 other Disney Stores within a few miles from me.
I like the contrast of the tree decoration in the boxes. Aurora's is a pretty pink blossom or leaf tree and Maleficent's is black dead branches.
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Here is Miss M without the plastic cover but still attached to her box background.
A view of her elaborate headpiece. Her eye makeup is very detailed and her lips have a few white dots to make them look highlighted.
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Let me pause to mention how difficult it was to remove her from her box background. Bordering on ridiculous. Okay I know this is a $35 doll and Disney doesn't want anybody messing up the merchandise in the store but come on. I started counting and got up to 40 tiny plastic tag fasteners and then lost count. Each one had to be ever so carefully snipped so as not to damage the doll or her clothing. Worked up a sweat let me tell you.
Maleficent has a tall twisted wood staff in her hand.
And a double stand up collar on her dress. No hair to brush or worry about getting tangled. The horns are part of her head mold.
She absolutely does NOT stand easily. This took quite a few tries and much exasperation. She fell right after I took the picture.
But I managed to stand her again so I could present the back of her dress with her long train. The fabric has a nice texture. It's not flimsy.
Lots of sewn pleats in the back of the skirt.
Poor Maleficent - I tried to undress her but her gown doesn't come off. Its' too tight to go over her hips. At least I couldn't get it off. I didn't want to force it. So you only get to see her nude torso.
She has jointed knees that allow for a not-too-ladylike sitting position. Hmmm, she doesn't sit or stand very well. It would have been nice if Disney had included a doll stand in the box.
Here's a refresher photo of the basic Maleficent doll that's been around for years. She cost around $10. As you can see her dress does not come with any hemmed edges. It's a basic play doll, not a collectible of course.
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As you can see the facial features are much more detailed in the newer doll. Basic Maleficent was made to accompany the Sleeping Beauty cartoon film and she does a pretty good job of representing the villain.
New Miss M's dress details and fabric are much nicer too.
Now, on to Aurora, or Sleeping Beauty, the protagonist of the Sleeping Beauty story. She is played by Elle Fanning in the new Maleficent movie. Of course the doll is beautiful. Her price is equal to the Disney Store Maleficent doll.
I took photos indoors and couldn't figure out whether the flash version or the non-flash photos came out better. So I've used a combination of both throughout this article. Here's this doll without the camera flash.
And here is Princess Aurora still attached to her package back.
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Once again I started counting the plastic security tags until I wounded myself and lost count. Aggggh! Disney you're killing me.
Okay she's free of her bondage and precariously standing. Once again a doll stand would be helpful.
She has beautiful crystal blue eyes and light simple makeup. Her gown is a champagne color with a lacy floral overlay and tiny gold faux buttons.
Lots of long blonde curls stiff with hair product.
Both she and Maleficent came with their legs wrapped in tissue paper. Probably to keep the dress dye from bleeding onto them. It's more necessary in Maleficent's case than Aurora, but still a good idea. Her little gold shoes are rubber banded securely to her feet. No wonder she doesn't stand up, her feet are tiny.
Princess Aurora's dress does come off. Beware it's pretty hard to get back on though. The arms of the dress are slim and her hands don't come off so the fingers have to be carefully slid back into the sleeves. I ended up putting clear tape over her hands so her splayed fingers didn't catch on the lace of the sleeves. She has joints at the elbows, wrists, hips, and knees. And of course her head turns. She also has beige painted underpants.
And a comparison to the basic Aurora, who is also very pretty.
She also has long blonde locks, but as a play doll she uses much less hair product. Basic Sleeping Beauty wears a pink and white gown.
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Both princesses pictured side by side. Laying down because there's no way I could get them to stand up together.
And a back view.
Their bodies are similarly sized but basic Aurora doesn't have jointed knees.
I hope you've enjoyed the comparison of my Maleficent and Aurora Disney Store Online dolls. Now I'm off to try to find some extra doll stands. Thanks for reading.
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