Meet My Kenner Blythe Doll

My Kenner Blythe is what started my interest in doll collecting. I purchased her on eBay at a very good price. After shampooing and trimmer her matted hair and gently washing dirt off her body she looks pretty nice. Not bad for a 41 year old. She's missing some eyelashes and a few plugs of hair but I still love her. Her eyes work perfectly and she doesn't have any damage to her body. She's got 7 lines of text on her back which I think means she was made in the later half of 1972. Earlier versions had only 6 lines of text.
She's sitting in a Pop Life Barbie chair that will eventually be in the kitchen of the house. I've already started gathering furnishings and the dollhouse needs a lot of outside work before I start the inside. I'm afraid to bend her legs too much because I've seen dolls whose joints have made holes in the soft vinyl of the legs. My Blythe will always sit straight legged.
Soon I am going to start sanding, priming and painting the outside of the house. I'm thinking of going with a whimsical haunted theme. I'm not sure all of the furniture I have will fit the motif, for example that bright yellow chair that goes in the kitchen certainly isn't haunted looking. Maybe just some parts of the doll house will be haunted. I think the designs and themes will invent themselves as I progress. I can't wait to get started.
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Category: Blythe