Mini Lalaloopsy Pumpkin Candle Light From Target

Ooooohhhh just a few pics to show off my Pumpkin Candle Light Mini Lalaloopsy doll I bought at Target today. It's one of the Target exclusives. I've been ducking into different Targets all over town and they've been sold out in every one. Today I was in the store and lo and behold someone had stashed one back in the toy section - they are usually in the Halloween candy aisle. I grabbed her quick and she came home with me.
She comes with some orange lollipops, a purple spider for the Halloween theme, and a pumpkin pie. Her molded dress has a jack-o-lantern design. I love the itty bitty orange freckles on her cheeks.
You can see on the back of the package she was sewn on October 26 from a pumpkin. Must have been a cloth pumpkin. I collect those too.
Just a back view. Bright orange and green. Very festive.
And the cutest little pumpkin pie with hearts in the top. Yummy.
I'm going to try to find another one of these to keep in the box. I like to have as many as I can unopened. It's a collector thing. But even if I only have one I'm delighted. She's adorable.
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Category: Lalaloopsy