Monster High Dance Class Lagoona Blue Doll And Extra Fashions

I've had the ballet school Lagoona Blue doll for a while but just opened her the other day. The reason I'm writing about her now is that I found an extra outfit on clearance at Target the other day and wanted to dress her up. They also had Spinmaster La Dee Da Doll fashions on clearance and I read somewhere that they fit Monster High dolls so I nabbed one of those too.
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As with all the Lagoona dolls, she's lovely. Her pale blue skin and yellow/aqua/white streaked hair is luminous. Here is the box and her blurb on the back about why she likes her ballet classes.
She doesn't come with a stand. I wish all Monster High dolls had a stand in the box. Even though she's got ballet shoes with a solid bottom, I had a hard time getting her to stand up. In the pictures below she's leaning against the back wall.
Lagoona Blue's face and make up are perfect, even while sweating it out in ballet class. Love her purple eyebrows with an impeccable arch. And the aqua eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick to coordinate with her outfit. Her hair is soft and easy to brush - although she doesn't come a brush. The Amazon description says there is one included but they are mistaken. I used another MH doll brush for her hair. There isn't any stiff product in it and it feels like silk.
Here are some pictures of her clothes that are in the pack, her cute webbed hands, and the shoes and purse. Note the purse looks like a dive tank with hoses. It opens and closes easily. All the Monster High clothes and accessories are so clever. I like that when you take off the ballet skirt the one piece underneath can be a swimsuit. It's got pretty pink coral and white bubbles.
I picked up these outfits on clearance at Target. I almost never find Monster High stuff on clearance but this is the 2nd time in a week I've been lucky. Hopefully it's a new trend. Maybe they are clearing out before getting in lots of new stock for the 2nd half of the year rush. Whatever the reason I like it. Target had a bunch of La Dee Da Doll fashion packs on clearance too.
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The Lagoona Blue Fashion Pack continues her signature aqua and pink colors with coral reef graphics. It's a one piece dress. And I love the square tote purse and see through shoes. You can put some small accessories in the bag. Lagoona has the cutest little toes.
The La Dee Da doll clothes fit well but the shoes are way too small. I had to remove her leg fins to get the dress on. The dress is well made but the purse doesn't open which I don't like. If I find more of these on clearance I'll certainly buy them. It was worth $4 for an extra Monster High doll outfit. I don't have any La Dee Da dolls but a collector friend does so I bought a couple different styles for her.
Hope you like my new Lagoona Blue Dance Class doll. I have a couple of the other Dance Class dolls I'll be opening soon so come back soon.
Monster High Dance Class Lagoona Blue Doll The ghouls are ready for one of their favorite classes at Monster High - Dance class! Of course, each ghoul brings her own unique style to class.Lagoona Blue is graceful sea-monster chic in her flowing ballet outfit.Monster High Dance Class Lagoona Blue Doll
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