Mooska Mini Fairy Tale Dolls From MGA Entertainment

I've seen the Mooshka cloth dolls made by MGA Entertainment (the same company that brings us Bratz, Little Tikes, Lalaloopsy, and lots of other toys) in stores recently. Several times I passed by them at Target and Toys R Us and wasn't the slightest bit interested. They are cute, but definitely not the type of doll I am drawn to. But today I was in Target and happened upon the Fairy Tale Mini Mooshka dolls and fell in love. They are mini versions of some of the larger Mooshka dolls , but these remind me a little of handmade wooden clothespin dolls.
Immediately I snapped them up because there weren't many left. I bought 5 of the dolls. There is another version of the fairy wing doll named Taria that wasn't in stock but I'll be looking for her. The 5 that came home with me are Sonia the Mermaid and her pet seahorse, Palia and her kitten, Casia with a bunny, Jaya with her pet swan, and Ina the fairy with a cute little owl. Their names are so unique and cute, don't you think? The back of the boxes tell about each doll's personality. Sorry this picture isn't clear enough to read them. The story behind Mooshka dolls is that they were paperdolls that joined hands one day and came to life. Kind of reminiscent of the Lalaloopsy story of dolls that were stitched together out of their character's clothes and became alive. Since both doll families are made by MGA, I suppose they can adapt that storyline as needed.
These little dolls don't come with stands and their tiny painted feet aren't nearly strong enough to hold them up, so I had to improvise with stands from my Littlest Pet Shop Blythe dolls so I could get good pictures. As I was putting the dolls into their stands I realized they aren't made from wood after all. I was being very careful not to scratch the paint on their bodies with the stand and got a closer look at the construction. I think they are made or resin or some type of similar plastic. It's pretty hard to tell they aren't wood though. And they definitely have a hand painted look. The pets all seem to be made from plastic but I could be wrong. Like I said they look very hand made.
Below is Casia in the LPS Blythe stand. She fits really well, except her feet don't quite touch. It kind of gives her a ballerina pose though. She's got the cutest tutu skirt. All of the Mooshka dolls have a fabric piece of clothing included. The outfits don't come off though so they aren't interchangeable. And from the back. Notice the stitching look on the back of her head. All of the girls have this in some pattern. And her little ponytail is just a little bead shape. Very simple but lovely. I like the pastel colors too. Each doll is also wearing a painted tiara on her head.
And here's Sonia the mermaid. She doesn't fit quite as smoothly on the LPS Blythe stand. She's taller and the stand tips a bit to accommodate her tail. I also had to take off Ina's fairy wings to use the stand. The wings are on a peg that pops into her back. You can see her in the first photo.
All 5 of the Fairy Tale girls made a visit to the Lalaloopsy mini dollhouse. They fit very nicely. Mooshka mini dolls are around 3 1/2" tall so they are just a wee bit larger than Lalaloopsy mini dolls. Some of the furniture in the house is from Calico Critters so Mooshka's can likely use most of their accessories too.
Like I said I found these dolls at Target but as soon as I got home I looked for them on secondary markets like eBay and Amazon. They are really new so I didn't see many. There are some on eBay but the prices are higher. I may be tempted to buy the 6th doll there though if I don't see her in Target soon.
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Category: Mooskha
As you, I just discoverd Mooska dolls at Target today. I bought Jaya today. I am smitten. I have also just started a new blog, I am restoring a dollhouse that I bought a couple of weeks go at an estate sale. I am documenting its reconstruction on the blog. I also have two new houses that I will be working on. Check it out. I think we could be great blog friends. I also keep a gardening blog, Hope to see you again.
Now there are some new ones I want. Need to save my pennies though. Doll money is tight these days. The new versions are animals. Oh so cute. Thanks for reading my blog and commenting.
I love these little guys, was fortunate to pick some up at target the other day. Looking forward to the adorable little animal ones too! Saw them on amazon for way less than eBay today too, BTW. Was wondering do you think the green leaf smaller wooden dollhouse kits would work for these dolls? Not the 1 inch to 1 inch ratio but the smaller version? Can’t wait to start my buttercup green leaf house for these beauties!
I got the elephant the other day. Seriously money is so tight right now I wish I could have them all but I just chose one. Ugh. That’s so hard. I’m not sure about the greenleaf dollhouses. I guess I would have to see one in person, or at least a picture.
I am looking for another Mooshka mermaid. I promised my little grandaughters Mooshkas if they did well in school the first quarter. They are so hard to resist. As for Greenleaf dollhouses, I have not worked with them either. I may have misspoken. The one I am working on is the Alpine Farmhouse, a two room, two story house made by Real Good Toys. I need to update the dollhouse blog, which I will do soon. I get too engrossed in the dollhouse building to document my progress. Enjoy your new little Mooshka.