My First Ever After High Doll Set – Got Them Today

I'm excited to be in on the very beginning of the Ever After High doll line of Mattel dolls. This new series I will follow and collect closely. I missed the first couple of years of Monster High doll collecting and it's been very hard to catch up. In fact I haven't. I am missing almost all the original wave Monster High dolls. Not this time. I went to Justice in the mall and bought one of each Every After High Doll available right now.
They had all four - Apple White, Raven Queen, Briar Beauty, and Madeline Hatter on sale so I grabbed them. Originally they were $36 each. I hope that's not the real price. It will make it hard for kids to have them to play with at that price point.
Justice Online has Ever After High merchandise too -> Justice Online For Girls
So what are Ever After High dolls? A new series of dolls from Mattel that are based on the kids of famous Fairy Tale characters. They all attend Ever After High school where they learn the roles they will play once they take their parents place as adults. The student body is comprised of Royals, or those who have a bright happy future in Fairy Tale land; and the Rebels, those who are destined to be evil and mean as adults.
The Ever After High website is up with bios of the first 4 characters, along with videos to introduce them. You will need to sign up as a member to participate in all the features and read the blogs. It's an easy process and worth it to learn about all about Ever After High.
I'll be reviewing the dolls as I unwrap them so bookmark this site and come back soon.
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Category: Ever After High