My New Apple White Ever After High Doll by Mattel

I was lucky enough to find the new Ever After High dolls in Justice the other day and on sale. Apple White is the first doll I opened and I took pictures. The box is very cool. It looks like a story book and it looks like someone wrote on the edge of the pages on on one side.
If you like, you can buy an Apple White doll from Amazon here -> Apple White Doll.
Or there are opportunities to choose a Raven Queen doll from eBay at the end of this article.
Her are more pictures of the front and back of the box and Apple inside once I took off the plastic.
She's got a clever bio on the back of the box. Apple White's favorite subject at Ever After High is kingdom management. And she can't resist eating apples.
And without the clear plastic
There is a little bookmark that I cut out of the box with her story inside.
After I removed her from the box checked to see if she can stand up on her own. She does, despite high heels with spiral pencil thin spikes.
They're cute though. The mold looks like a leaf from an apple tree, and maybe an apple corer for the heels? The coloring of the shoes matches her adorable beaded apple purse that opens.
Apple White's dress is a satin type fabric strapless red, with a gold brocade painted on design. It's trimmed with black tulle lace and has an overlay on the skirt made from a lighter shade of fabric. She wears a coordinating white shrug over her shoulders. And her gold jewelry is the same shade as her purse and shoe accents. Here is a picture of everything that comes with the doll. Except I left out the stand. I didn't even realize there was a stand until I found it in the "book binding" of the box. Make sure you don't throw it away when you unbox your doll.
Here is Apple White's face and hair closeup. Her eye makeup is quite detailed. Lots of colors in the iris and whites. Her face mold is flat and wide. I like big headed dolls but would have liked a bit more dimension on her profile view.
She's got bubble and bow earrings, and wears a headband with a gold crown. All of her jewelry is gold plastic. Including the little bow on her right hand. It fits over 2 fingers. I've lost it 3 times already but managed to find again so far.
I brushed out the back of her hair and it became very fluffy. It's got one piece pulled underneath into a little rubber band that I didn't try to take apart. I was still able to brush it easily, just had to avoid that strip of hair. Her hair is very soft and easy to brush. Here is a before and after brushing comparison.
Here she is bare so you can see all her joints. She's got them in all the same places the Monster High dolls have. I'll be curious to see if Ever After High and Monster High dolls can share outfits. I'll write about that later.
Finally a closing picture of Apple White all dressed again and on her stand. She's beautiful.
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