Peteena Poodle In A Bikini Doll From Hasbro

Who Is That Sexy Pale Poodle Star?
You've never heard of a Peteena Poodle doll? I hadn't either until a few months ago but she has captured my fancy and now I'm a hard core Peteena fan. Let me introduce you to Peteena the Poodle in a Bikini's charms and charisma.
The basics - Peteena is a doll made by Hasbro in, and only in, 1966. She was completely misunderstood because Hasbro discontinued her after only one year. Clearly ahead of her time. She's a 9" white doll with the head of a poodle. She's got long eyelashes, a head of white curly poodle hair, and a retractable tail. Peteena is marked "1966/Hasbro/Japan/Patent Pending" on her back. She was a 60's swinger who came with a green and yellow polka dot bikini with matching hat, bracelet, shoes and sunglasses.
Peteena Was A 60's Sensation
The back of her box read “Peteena – she’s a pace setter! She’s a swinger! She’s where the action is from skiing down the slopes to surfing in the sea! This pampered poodle wheels right in with the new look – strong and outspoken! A bit on the wild side!” Who were these doll designers in the back rooms of Hasbro? Could they have been smoking something during her formation? Peteena is certainly an eccentric concept, even in the psychedelic 60s. No matter, she’s finally attained the distinction and respect she deserves, albeit almost 50 years later.
photo credit: Laura [Puppet] via photopin cc
Peteena - she's a pace setter! She's a swinger!
Peteena, in addition to being the first animal doll, and having the utmost cool sophistication, was also a fashion plate extraordinaire. She had exclusive outfits designer for her only and wore them with a confident chic that only a pampered poodle can. Each of her fashions had an appropriately placed slit for her tail. A list of her stylish clothing sets is below.
photo credit: Laura [Puppet] via photopin cc
- Surf's Up - the lime green polka dotted bikini that came with the Peteena doll. It has a matching polka dot hat; yellow sandals; arm bracelet; hard plastic sunglasses.
- Campus Capers - Peteena's French schoolgirl outfit of blue and burgundy knit striped top and matching tights; a belt with metal buckle; a burgundy skirt and matching hat; shoes, and books.
- Zero Cool - Peteena's ski outfit is an aqua and lime green jumpsuit with matching jacket, skis, poles, boots, goggles, hat & ski gloves. Perfect for hitting the slopes.
- Ooh La La - Peteena's hot pink satin evening gown with fur stole. Stockings, white gloves, gold purse and pearl jewelry. Lovely for one of Peteena's many formal parties.
- Twinkle Toes - Peteena's pink velvet ballet dress, complete with pink tights, ballet slippers and flower headpiece. This set also included a black leotard for ballet practice.
- Slicker Set - Her black and yellow raincoat with matching rain hat; yellow boots, umbrella, and purse.
Where To Find Peteena Now
Where can I buy my very own Peteena you ask? On eBay of course. She’s not hard to find but her value has grown in recent years. You can expect to pay $200 and up for a doll with the tail , eyelashes and a well preserved head of hair. In the box, Peteena will set you back at least $400. Still not bad for a 45+ year old legendary purebred iconic poodle with attitude.
photo credit: kiomeru via photopin cc
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Peteena is strong and outspoken, a bit on the wild side
photo credit: Laura [Puppet] via photopin cc
Flickr is the best place I’ve found to view Peteena. Collectors gather on Flickr to share Peteena sightings, and exchange tips on restoration and fashions. One collector has over 100 Peteena (note that the plural of Peteena is Peteena). They have their very own Peteena home and their owner posts regularly about their activities and endeavors.
The best photos and discussions of Peteena.
The official Peteena website. She sounds very snooty here but in reality I've found her to be quite pleasant.
More details and descriptions.
My Peteena Is Getting A New Hairdo
I was lucky enough to purchase a Peteena on Ruby Lane. She’s missing her tail (most Peteena have lost tails), and her hair was scarce, but I’m in the process of re-rooting her with long lovely locks that can be styled to enhance her beauty beyond the fuzzy original hairdo. Replacement tails can be purchased from an online website but they are $50 each and I’m not sure my Peteena wants to spend that kind of money on an appendage that’s only purpose is aesthetics. At least not right now. Maybe at a later date. She’s hoping to earn enough to restore her beautiful wardrobe through affiliate income earned as her fans click the links on this site. She gets a few pennies for each purchase made here. Peteena is confident there are many potential benefactors interested in reestablishing her former glory.
Are You Blinded By Peteena's Lumious Beauty?
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