Slo Mo Sloman Mortavitch Is In The House – And My Ghoulias Are So Happy

He's been on my wish list for months. I kept reading about people that found him at Walmart so I kept stopping by every time I was on the way to the post office. Which is basically every day because I'm an eBay seller. I've been on a doll buying diet though so I didn't do any extra searching around town. Too much temptation. I just stuck to my local Walmart. And finally he was there. Hiding in the very back of course. I'm pretty sure I let out a little squeal right there in the toy aisle. As you can imagine my Ghoulia Yelps dolls were ecstatic. They spent the afternoon swooning over him and were very impatient for Slomo to get out of his box.
Here is SloMo for sale online, much easier to get -->>
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So here is the process. First I always take a photo of the front and back of the unopened box. Mostly for future reference. He is part of the Ghoul Spirit Monster High collection. So he is a basic doll, with no stand, wearing a casual sporting event outfit, with a school spirit pennant.
On the back you can see that he is is part of the Monster High pep rally team. His nickname is Sloman and he's the son of a Zombie.
We aleady knew that he's the son of a Zombie because he's starred in the Webisodes as Ghoulia Yelps boyfriend for a while now. Here are my 3 Ghoulia dolls encouraging Sloman to break his constraints and rise out of his box. The girls are practically whining. They've been waiting for an eternity.
The artwork in his box is peppy. MH pennants and pink/black stripes.
Skulltimate Rollermaze Ghoulia crept onto the background area with Slo Mo for a one-on-one photo op.
His face is ghastly pale. His facial features are ghoulish shades of blue and green, and his body skin is ashen. Very zombie-like.
Another facial close-up. Slo Mo's eyes are plain. Void of the usual highlights and details that are painted features of Monster High dolls.
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Oh wow, his blue hair needs a trim. There are some stragglers.
There, that's better. Nice flat-top.
Scaris Ghoulia wouldn't let me forget it was her turn to pose with Sloman.
A view of the back. He's got flocked gray hair around the sides and back of his head. Compliments the blue crop top beautifully.
From the side you can see how prominent his chin is. A manly zombie, and so handsome.
I love is gently pointed ears.
Slo Mo's clothes are easy to remove, everything closes with Velcro.
Look at his cute molded tighty whities (actually skin colored gray).
This is the contents of the box without the doll. Blue Bermuda shorts, purple short top with the Monster High logo, Converse style gym shoes with open backs for easy removal, and his pep rally flag.
His high tops have Skullette on the sides.
His hands are very large and expressive. And I love his forearms.
Finally the picture taking is finished and he can relax and catch up with his true love(s), Ghoulia Yelps.
Monster High Ghoul Spirit Collection: The Ghouls of Monster High are showing their school spirit. Frankie Stein doll is showing her monster spirit decked out in schoolgirl plaid and the Monster High logo. Her shoes - one blue and one black - are killer touches and the giant hand she sports indicates she thinks their teams are number one. Venus McFlytrap doll will captivate audiences with her bullhorn and her vine-forward fashion sense. The neon-colored pattern in her pink-trimmed miniskirt is mirrored in her Monster High school t-shirt with its shredded edges. Pink peep-toe boots and vine-climbing bracelets are to-die-for accessories. Spectra Vondergeist doll will haunt opponents in her boo-tiful fashion. The chain-link print on the skirt matches the trim on the Monster High logoed bodice. She carries a pom pom to show her ghoul pride. Its pink matches her killer shoes with their molded texture and chain-link ankle strap. Sloman Slo Mo Mortavitch doll has managed to amp up his energy for some ghoul spirit. Hes ready to lumber about in long stitched shorts and a Monster High t-shirt. He wears ankle sneakers and carries a team flag. Scare em, team, scare em.Monster High Ghoul Spirit Slo Mo Doll
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Category: Monster High