Smoothing Out The Dollhouse Kitchen Walls

The inside of the exterior walls are in an unfinished state. It looks like the builder put sheet rock in but then never finished it up. They are quite rough and uneven so I knew I needed to do something before putting up wallpaper. Here is a picture of the kitchen wall I'm starting with since I'm working on the kitchen first. Below is a picture of the wooden wall on the other side of the room.
I don't think I need to do anything there. But clearly the first wall is a problem. So my solution is to cover the wall with a thin sheet of balsa wood. I bought the wood, took measurements and set out to apply my architectural skills.
Well! Let me tell you it was a whole lot harder than I expected. Did I say that I had architectural skills? I must have been delirious. I chopped it up so badly. Now I don't trust myself to cut the wallpaper correctly. My "wallpaper" is really scrapbook paper with diamond shapes. It will be very challenging to line up that graphic if I have to cut it up in pieces like I did the wood. I may have to paint instead. Or get my husband to help. He's a lot better with stuff like that than I am. He will roll his eyes though so I'd rather do it mysef. Anyway here is what I ended up with. See the little pieces in the corners by the windows? Why on Earth didn't he miter the corners on the window frame? Ugh.
And the underneath part is so uneven it's very hard to get the glue to stick. Before I try this again I will buy some of those clamps to hold it together while the glue dries. This is somewhat smoother than what I started with but there are still a lot of seams. So I filled in as best I could with wood filler. I'll need to sand it down but here it is right now. Off to the store to buy sandpaper and some clamps. And more balsa wood. And maybe wall paint. I'll be back with another post when I've got the wall finished. It's slow going I know but I'm running a home business along with decorating the dollhouse and gosh darn it, the making money part has to come first. See ya soon.
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Category: The Dollhouse