Tea Time For Madeline Hatter

I just got around to opening Madeline Hatter a bit later than I expected. Anyway here she is - gorgeous. I'm crazy about her coloring. The plum purple and aqua hair is a beautiful combination. She's very bright and cheery, even though she's a Rebel in the story.
Her box is like the other Ever After High boxes - looks like a book with pages, very clever. Here are some pictures, front back and sides. And it looks like someone wrote on the edges of the pages with a pencil.
You get a bit of her story and personality traits on the back of the box. If you watch the webisodes you will know what they mean about talking in riddles. She's a bit silly. And she's the only one in the story that can hear the narrator so if you think sometimes she acts like she's hearing voices, she is. You could expect that of the daughter of the Mad Hatter I suppose.
She's called Maddie in the storyline. And she works at the Tea Shop in the Village of Book End. She's got a crazy amount of extra energy, maybe from drinking all that caffeine? She even keeps a serving of Earl Grey in her headband/hat, ready to have tea on a moment's notice.
Here's Maddie after I removed the plastic outer cover and before I took her out off the cardboard backing.
Cute teacup headband with a hat on top, and her earrings are spoons.
She comes with a story book on a bookmark. It unfolds like an accordion.
She has her own purple stand that coordinates with her outfit. I got her to balance without the stand briefly but it was tricky.
A closeup of her face and outfit. Her aqua eyes match her dress color and her necklace. And her hands are painted like aqua and white polka dot gloves. The hands come off and so do the little wrist ruffles to make it easy to get her clothes on and off. No naked pictures on this page though. She has the same body as the other dolls, just a little smaller. You can look at Apple White's page if you want a view of the body style. She's shorter than the other Ever After High girls, about the size of Twyla and Howleen Wolf from Monster High.
Maddie wears a ring over her gloved right hand. I left the packing rubber band on so I don't lose it. The fabric on her outfit looks very rich. A shimmery silver bodice and brocade looking skirt with a big blue satin bow. The skirt actually has 3 layers, the top purple patterned part over a blue and white stripe underlayer. And beneath that we get a glimpse of a black tulle slip that's sewn into the underlayer.
The polka dotted stockings are adorable. I love polka dots. Her shoes are white and gold with teacup handle swirly shaped heels.
Her hair is layered and very curly. The aqua shows up more in the back. Her scalp is painted the same color as her hair. The rooting isn't really close so you can see plugs. But her hair is thick so it fluffs up nicely to cover any bare spots. I didn't brush her hair out or take off her hat because I'm very bad about getting it back the way it was. It's soft though so I imagine it's easy to brush. There are some stringy pieces that I'll try to calm down and put back into place later.
Here's a closer view of the back of her dress. I could have smoothed the Velcro up a bit before I took the picture but sometimes I don't notice these things until I'm editing. It was way too hot to go back outdoors in natural light to get another picture. You get the idea though - Velcro back, pretty simple.
The accessories in the box, her teapot purse, brush and standard Ever After High doll stand. The purse opens but the hole is too small to hold anything except maybe her teaspoon earrings.
Here's the lid to the teapot purse back on. It's so cute.
Her face is round and flat like the rest of the dolls. I'm not fond of their profile. I wish they had more dimension. She wears pretty pink eyeshadow and has some purple highlights in her eyes. Luminous lipstick to coordinate with hair, fashions, and accessories, perfect!
Madeline Hatter sits nicely in a Barbie Pop Life chair. Here she puts her hands on her knees and poses her legs a little to the side, very ladylike posture.
A view from an angle. Maddie's joints bend easily and have a pretty good range of motion. Basically the same as the newer Monster High dolls.
I'm completely smitten with my Madeline Hatter doll. She's my favorite so far. If you have any questions please leave a comment.
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