The Dollhouse Exterior Is Finished – Now Onto The Interior Rooms – The Fun Stuff

Finally! It took me a while. I had to keep sanding and re-painting the area where the big patio door was. And above that part it looked like someone too a bunch of glue or bondo or something and gooped it on. So that had to be sanded too. I'm not really finished though. I'm thinking some shutters with a few half hanging off the windows, maybe a couple of gargoyles on the dormer windows. And vines growing up the sides because it hasn't been taken care of in a while. I've got to get a front door too. Hmmm.. can you see how crooked it is? It really is, that's not just the camera angle. I bet I'll have to work around a few obstacles.
But I'm ready to start on the inside where it will be fun decorating the rooms. So for now this is finished. My first room remodel will be the kitchen. I've already bought some appliances. They're not haunted though. Anything but. They are cheery bright yellow. Okay so the kitchen will be the only un-haunted room in the house. Check back soon.
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Category: The Dollhouse