Update On The Main Kitchen Dollhouse Room

Just a quick few photos of the kitchen in the large dollhouse. It's finally complete - almost. Sophie Liv is enjoying a beverage after inspecting the workmanship. I used my appliance and cabinets from the vintage Sindy doll collection along the back wall. The floor is a 1:12 scale sheet but I think it looks okay. It's hard to find playscale floor vinyl.
The refrigerator is a Barbie side by side model. It had blue doors and I repainted them yellow with spray paint for plastic that I got from Lowes. It's Valspar brand and I like it better than the Krylon paint. It doesn't glob as much. The chairs are Barbie Pop chairs and the table I bought from Etsy. Oops Sophie has dropped her spring water bottle.
A view of one side wall.
And the other side. This side is painted white and has a scrapbook paper cutout overlay. The window frame is the only thing that's not finished in the room. The builder didn't know about miter cuts. This is an issue all over the house, inside and out, so I'm leaving it for a bigger project. I'm still thinking of the best way to tackle them.
I added black beams to the ceiling after I painted it white. I plan on doing this in every room.
So that's it. Here is another whole room shot. It took a really long time to remodel this room. I have to admit I had many many distractions along the way. I hope the rest of the house goes a bit speedier.
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Category: The Dollhouse