Wave 1 Liv Dolls From Spinmaster

Wave 1 Liv Dolls
The original 4 Liv Dolls made by Spin Master were first sold in 2009. They were the first dolls on the market that had 14 moveable joints. Their names are Daniella, Katie, Sophie, and Alexis. The first wave dolls came with an extra wig and their personalities and stories were on the back of their boxes. Daniella has dark brown hair and brown eyes and is a musician. Katie has brown hair and green eyes. She loves sports and the first Katie doll came with a Frisbee. Sophie has blond hair and blue eyes. She loves styling hair and practices on her friends. Alexis has dark skin, light brown eyes, brown hair, and loves fashion.
I didn't start collecting dolls until these were discontinued and am now in the process of trying to find them at reasonable prices online. I've been somewhat lucky on eBay, Amazon, and Bonanza. My goal is to have one of each Liv doll in my collection. Some I'm keeping in the boxes and some I'm opening to photograph and play with.
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Category: Liv