Whisker Woods Critters Goodreau Ball Joint Dolls

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the cute Goodreau Whisker Woods bear I got at the Maitland Doll Show. So I thought I would introduce you to my other Goodreau Whisker Woods critters. I started collecting these earlier this year and got several of them from eBay. Ever since I've been on the lookout on different doll sites. They aren't being made anymore so they are harder to find.
From left to right - The pig in purple is a 5" doll. Her name is "Cupcake" on the box. Little Cupcake wears an outfit with a long tail. It's the only 5" Goodreau doll I have so I'm in need of another. Right now there is a 5" bear for sale on eBay but she's missing her eyelashes and has a smudge of color missing on her nose. Not sure I want to take a chance on restoring her at the price she's being sold for. I'm patient, I'll wait for another.
The bunny is called "Scrappy" and she's 8" tall. All of the rest are in fact 8" so I don't have to keep repeating. She's wearing a pink velour suit with a hoodie and a squiggly tail. Next is the white bear I got at the doll show. He didn't have a box but from online research I found out he's called "Mumu". He's got a white hooded suit with a short curled up tail. The bear in brown is called "Scooter" and even though he's a bear his face mold is slightly different from Mumu. His brown fuzzy outfit also has a short slightly curled tail.
And then standing is "Bebe". I think she originally came in a leopard print outfit but I bought her from an eBay seller and she was nude. So for now she's wearing a pink suit just like Scrappy's. I'm not sure what kind of animal she is.
All of my Whisker Woods Critter ball joint dolls stand on their own. Notice their cute boots that match their outfits? They have teeny zippers in the back and are really easy to take off and put back on. One of my favorite thing about all Goodreau dolls is their clothing. It's so well made and easy to maneuver.
Here's Bebe without any clothes. This is how she came to me in the box. Her joints make her extremely posable but in some positions it's hard to get her limbs to "stick". Because they are strung with elastic the appendages have a tendency to want to snap back into the original position. Look at those cute paws with pink pads in the palms. And all of these dolls have such detail in their glass eyes.
Here is the outfit that I dressed Bebe in. You can see how the boots zip up in this picture. This hooded one piece snaps in the front, but some of the others zip in the front. Either way they are easy to dress.
Goodreau Bebe even stands barefooted. They don't need a stand at all.
The back of these dolls' heads open up so you can change their eyes. I have no desire to do that but I thought I'd show a picture of it anyway. You just take out the sticky putty inside the head and pop out her eyes. Then stick a new pair in and replace the putty to hold them in place. Also if the doll needs re-strung for any reason you will find the knot that connects all the limbs tied in place with a ribbon.
So that's my collection so far. I have several more on my wish list. There is a reindeer and a cute gnome I'm looking for. These dolls are kind of expensive so it's okay if I only find one once in a while. My dolly budget is tight for a while.
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